When you date a livestock person
When you date someone, there are typical things that you might do with them. You probably go out to eat, watch a movie, go shopping, take a walk....you know the normal stuff. However, when you date someone in the livestock world, the normal is a bit different.
An ideal date may be to a livestock show or sale
A barn full of animals, shavings, dust and manure may not sound the most romantic, but for a livestock couple, it's perfect. Because, let's face it, the best thing in life, after our significant other, is livestock. So, when you can combine livestock and your special person, it's a good night. Not to mention you get to see that particular pair of jeans and boots on your significant other...swoon.
The biggest arguments are over livestock
You go to a livestock sale. You set a budget. You FINALLY agree on an animal. The animal goes over the budget. You look at each other. One of you says no, the other keeps bidding. They win the bid. You can't stay mad long because you got the animal. OR there are those arguments about what breed is better, how best to feed, or how a class should be placed.
Couple pictures may or may not have an animal in them
Let's be real-- a pig or sheep or other animal will always enhance the photo. The only problem is getting everyone to cooperate in the picture.
Your love story started with livestock
Whether you met as fierce competitors in the show ring or were on the same livestock judging team, you can thank livestock for bringing you together.
You bond over chores...especially the gross ones
Before going on a "normal" date there are often chores to be done... feeding animals, scooping poop, medicating, etc. The trick is not to get smelly, but if you do, it's no matter. Your significant other won't care.
Dating a livestock person can be a bit different than a typical relationship, call me biased, but I think it is ideal.
*Personal Note: After 4 years of dating a livestock person, I've experienced every one of these things and more. We started talking after I got a Facebook message saying "hey, are you showing at State Fair? I need to redeem myself after you beat me in skillathon." We have gone from eyeing each other in the show ring to so much more. We've shoveled poop together, traveled many miles to pick up new stock, and have had some arguments over animals. The best part, though, is we share a passion...a passion in livestock.