3 British Inspired Biscuits (Cookies)


We’ve all had (at least) one TV show that we have binge watched and achingly hoped the series never ended. The Great British Baking Show is one of those shows for me. There are others, but GBBS is up there.

Hubs can’t decide if the show is a blessing or a curse for the See household. It has inspired me to bake and try a lot of new things. He’s concerned about his waistline, especially when I lean on him to eat most of the bakes. You know, in order to preserve my waistline. I haven’t been very good at making baking recipes for two either. At least he says the bakes are delicious!

Beyond the quantity of sweets that GBBS inspires in our house, Hubs is also concerned with my reaction to watching it some days. There have been more than one occasion where he has walked in on me sobbing at the end of an episode. Thinking something was truly wrong (after all, why would I be crying at a baking show), he was very concerned and then miffed with the knowledge that I was indeed crying over a baking show.

What can I say, the camaraderie shown on the show mixed with impressive bakes, gets me.

Needless to say, every time I watch the Great British Baking Show, I often find myself baking. Compound that with the fact that I found the prettiest tin at an antique shop and was itching to photograph some sweets, and it becomes no surprise that I ended up baking.

I decided to make cookies (or biscuits as the Brits say), and because I’m a buffet type of girl and can never choose between things, I made three different types of cookies: Espresso Shortbread, Jammy Dodgers, and Viennese Whirls.

I thought for sure the Espresso Shortbread would be my favorite, but in reality they were all superb. And since I decided to make all three (albeit reduced recipes), I don’t have to choose and can eat one of each with a cup of tea.

The dough on each of these is slightly different, but there is no doubt that butter is a star. Although simplistic in their ingredients, I hit a few hiccups that I would aim to resolve next time, and there will be a next time.

Jammie Dodgers

With a stained glass appearance, these attractive bites sandwich sticky jam for a tart and sweet bite. I can’t wait to make these for Valentine’s Day with hearts and strawberry jam. You can read my tips and tricks on these biscuits here.


Viennese Whirls

Delicate, buttery cookies sandwich jam and vanilla buttercream. For the recipe click here.


Espresso Shortbread

These were the easiest of the three to make and were so simple. They are crisp, buttery, and have a great shot of espresso flavor that’s just divine. Whip these up in no time. Read details here.
