Homemade Jammie Dodger Cookie Recipe


Don’t you just love the name of these biscuits (cookies). I can’t say it without my best British accent. Go ahead, say it aloud. Fun, right?

Anyhow, the whole Jammie Dodgers came about after a shopping score at an antique store. I found the prettiest silver tray for, get this $4! Hubs and I were on the hunt for a bread dough bowl to use as a dining room centerpiece (which we found), but I also had my eyes peeled for any pretty serving dishes. The silver tray was perfect!

Of course, I needed something to put on it, so I researched a few British biscuit ideas, and found Jammie Dodgers. I stopped at the store for some jam, butter, and cookie cutters, and I was on my way to baking.

The final product was delicious, albeit slightly rustic in appearance. Although I had bought round cookie cutters for the cookie, I didn’t have mini cutters for the center, so I free handed them. Not too bad for freehand right?

I love the stained glass effect guys get, and can imagine just how cute they will be to make for Valentine’s Day!

These cookies are easy, but look fancy, so they would make great goodies for others!


Baking Tips

  • I had to fight with this dough. The recipe I was basing off of, said to chill for 30 minutes. I almost felt like that was too much, because I had to let my dough warm up a bit to roll out.

  • If you your dough is too crumbly to hold its shape, add some extra butter.

  • Cornstarch is helps keep the dough’s shape

  • Let the jammed cookies sit overnight to become tacky. They are much easier to eat this way.

  • If you want, you can also add a cream cheese/buttercream mixture to the cookie and jam.

Servings: 7 sandwich cookies | 14 individual cookies


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour

  • 1/2 cup of unsalted butter (I ended up adding 3-4 additional tablespoons)

  • 2 tablespoons of corn starch

  • pinch of salt

  • 1/2 cup sugar

  • 1 egg (room temperature)

  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla

  • Jam (any flavor)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

  2. Sift flour, corn starch, and salt in a bowl and mix.

  3. In a stand mixer, beat butter and sugar together.

  4. While mixing, add the egg and vanilla.

  5. Pour dry ingredients in until combined well.

  6. Form the dough into a disc and put into plastic wrap and chill for 15 minutes.

  7. Now to roll the dough out to about a 1/4- 1/8 of an inch. I prefer the thinner. Don’t forget to flour to prevent sticking

  8. With a circular cookie cutter, make cookies. In half of the circles, make smaller shapes in the middle. Make sure every base has a top.

  9. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until slightly golden on a non-stick baking sheet.

  10. Place them on a cooling rack and one cool, gently spread jam and sandwich.

  11. Chill in the fridge overnight and enjoy!

Adapted from: kitchenwhiskers.com
