Farmers Are Enough...

Over and over our farmers are being slammed…in published articles, in social media posts, in the news…there’s a post or article for every day of the week. They each have their own twist, yet somehow also sound like a broken record. However, they continuously echo that our farmers our falling short. They aren’t enough.

And you know, that sickens me.  


Because I've seen the blood, sweat, tears, stress, frustration, desperation, and heartache first-hand in both family and friends as they work hard every day to produce food. In the midst of howling wind, falling rain, and floods, they continue to work, pouring their heart into every crop, every calf, every turn of the tractor.

Despite putting every piece of their heart into it, I’ve seen farmers ask themselves the question: “Am I enough?”

And when the criticisms fall as often and as steady as the recent rain and snow, depending on location, it makes a body wonder if they are doing enough…if they are enough.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I’m proud of farmers, and I think they are enough.

They aren’t perfect, but they are doing the best they can, and that is enough.

They are enough because they show up every day, work hard, and face any challenge that may come their way. They are enough because they give their whole heart into their profession, their families, and their communities. They are enough because they have to be—they are the only ones willing to do what they do!

Farmers are enough because they ask themselves if they are enough. Asking that question says that you are willing to evaluate yourself for areas that need work and seek improvements. By the way, farmers have a track record of making improvements.

Farmers are enough, even though they question themselves. And it’s in that question that endears them to me.


 There’s a quote that says, “your beliefs don’t make you a better person, your actions do.” For me, the actions of our farmers not only proves that they are enough but proves that they really do care. During hurricanes, pandemics, blizzards, and in the face of being shut down, they continue to pour their hearts into making the environment, their animals, and their communities the best it can be…making it enough.

Actions of the activists stand in strong contrast. They write distorted articles, fly over farms, organize social media attacks, picket outside of farms, take photos, and criticize farmers’ every move. They have gone as far as saying farmers belong in jail, made death threats, and distributed farm families’ personal information to encourage others to go to the farm for a not so friendly visit.

What will make farmers “enough” for activists? Honestly, I think their closure. They want many farms canceled. Then, that’ll be enough. Problem is cancel culture is a pretentious form of bullying.

These activists are bullying our farmers.

I said what I said. They are bullies. Let’s call a spade a spade. For generations, bullies have tried to tell others they aren’t enough. And that’s not ok.

I say enough is enough, though.

Farmers are enough.
